online detective game The tie


28-04-1976 18:30

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police officer

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A good quality polyester tie in black and blue stripes. The initials were found on the tie, which suggest it was a gift or it belonged to a self-centered person. The size of the material and the tiny fibers on the neck of the victim suggest the tie was used as a murder weapon.

online detective game The notebook


28-04-1976 18:30

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police officer

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The notebook belonging to (anonymised) was found on her night stand. It contained several male names and phone numbers, but as the police reviewed the list some of them were proved to be either false names or non-existent phone numbers. Among the names the police found (anonymised) (real name and home phone number), (anonymised) (real name and home phone number) and (anonymised) (real name, false phone number).

At least one page was torn out of the notebook, but the laboratory was unable to determine if it was done on the night of the murder or earlier, nor what could have been written on that missing page.

online detective game Movie script


28-04-1976 18:30

found by

police officer

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online detective game

The script entitled "The Dark Passion", written by (anonymised), was found on the table. Judging by the wear on the edges of the pages it was read several times.

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