Dr Edward "Fitz" Fitzgerald isn’t typical psychologist - he drinks too much, smokes too much, gambles all the money he has in every way he can, his marriage is in ruins, his kids don’t see him as a father. But he has one quality - he can get into the killer’s mind like no one else. And that’s what makes him so valuable for the Manchester Police. While there is some resistance to hire him as advisor, Fitz manages to solve the cases police struggles with.
One of the first TV series that used profiler as the main character (back then they weren’t even called profilers yet) and despite its rather dark overtones Cracker is one of the best crime TV series ever made. The concept is not far off the formula used in Columbo TV series - often the killer is shown from start of the story, but unlike Columbo Fitz does not concentrate on evidence. His job is to find why the criminal does what he does and how police can use that knowledge to catch him, and he does it in brilliant way.
Each film-length episode contained separate crime story, but also they were all linked together through the subplots of Fitz and his relations with his family and the policemen he works with. On surface it is just another crime show, but beneath it was a great mixture of flawed anti-hero, who uses his only true skill to solve crimes, but at the same time lets his life go into the dumpster. A brilliantly written and performed series - a must see!
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the story takes place in ManchesterGreater Manchester, EnglandUnited Kingdom
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Jonathan Creek is an eccentric. By day he creates mysteries, by night he tries to solve them.