Twelve men, somewhere in United States, gather in a small room to determine fate of a Latino teenager, who stands on trial for killing his father. On first glance it is an open and shut case - the neighbours saw him running away from the crime scene, heard him threatening his father, there was a knife found on in his possession. The twelve jurors, right in the middle of heat wave would rather be somewhere else than spend another hot evening in the stuffy room. Or rather eleven. One of the jurors, just to give the teenagers a fighting chance, votes "not guilty". While the others, convinced about the guilt of a boy, react angrily to that sudden complication in a simple case, they have no other chance than to change the mind of a lone defender of accused. Until another juror changes his mind...
Classic courtroom drama, one of the best movies ever made - tense, with surprising twists and unique atmosphere. Although almost all of the scenes take place in just one room, seemingly nothing much is happening other than discussions, there are layers after layers of tension between characters, which compiled with brilliant camera work and cast filled with experienced actors it is one of the most unforgettable movies you will ever see. Just like the script, the film seems to be slow, the details in each scene seem to be insignificant, until all of the elements of the crime are put to trial by the twelve random men, who met for the first time in their lives, in order to decide about life or death of another human being.
Can you solve a case like this?
Amazing film - no matter how many times I watch I still cant believe ho precise the film is and how each detail builds the atmosphere
a_fan ()
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12 Angry Men
Juror no. 11:
I beg pardon...
Juror no. 10:
"I beg pardon?" What are you so polite about?
Juror no. 11:
For the same reason you are not:
it?s the way I was brought up.
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In 1982, on a field in Soviet Union a body is found. Local police officer, Viktor Burakov, begins an investigation that will take him to the brink of madness and to the darkest corners of human nature.
July 4th, 1969, a lovers’ lane in Vallejo, California, young couple is stalked and then shot by unknown assailant. This starts an investigation that will grasp the minds of Californians for years to come.
Private detective Jake Gites takes seemingly simple job - a wealthy woman wants him to follow her husband. Things get ugly when the husband ends up dead and the woman turns out not to be his wife.