Crime scene report


18-11-1896 10:00



unsolved mysteries game
crime scene report

As (anonymised) and (anonymised), who were the first to enter it in the morning, described the room as being in a disarray. The deceased was found sitting in a chair with a head and torso resting on the desk. The top and back of his head were covered in dried blood, his hands were resting on the top of the desk.

The bed and the mosquito net above it were intact. Next to the bed there were two trunks with clothes and personal belongings of Sir Arthur. Both trunks were opened, and the clothes were thrown on the floor. The spyglass and pocket watch were taken out of the trunks, they also were found on the floor, but were not broken. Also, a Webley Revolver belonging to Sir Arthur was found on the floor.

Next to the desk there were six trunks with artefacts gathered during the expedition. All six of them were open and some of the artefacts were taken out and found on the floor. (anonymised) was unable to verify if anything was missing from any of the trunks, but all together, 9 masks, 7 figurines, 4 jewellery pieces and 4 smaller items were found.

The small window in the room was intact, there were no signs of forced entry on the door. There were splinters of wood found on the floor, next to the desk, but due to their size, the witnesses were unable to determine where they came from.

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